Wednesday, 1 January 2025

How we did in 2024

 Pageviews for the Blog  to date   385415

That's up from 293469 in Dec 2023

571 Posts

Thank you all for reading our Nipigon area history since we began in 2011.

Our film "Destination Nipigon" by Thunderstryker films was shown at Dec 1, film festival in the Thunder Bay auditorium and well received .

It was a hot summer and the air conditioning unit was on the fritz so that limited the time visitors took to look at our displays.

We did have a fisherman who drove all the way from West Tennessee to see our World Record Brook Trout display (and me).  A nice surprise.

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Nipigon Historical Museum as Art Gallery


Nipigon Historical Museum


An Art Gallery

Have you ever thought that?

During the two weeks

July 16 – 27

We will show you that we are.

Our summer staff can tour you around as our “art’ is everywhere.

With over 20 artists represented, plus  Those who walked this earth

“Before Present”

Even a superbly crafted stone tool is seen by us  today as a “work of art”, whereas 5000 years ago it was “Life or Death” to the maker.

For those who think they’ve seen it all, we have a Surprise:

A two week loan of a Super Dooper  painting to lure you back in.


Sunday, 7 July 2024


Ode to the Nipigon has been made into a Silent Movie style with black and white photos of the river given ACTION.

Done by Thunderstryker Films
2 versions  one with music and the other with voice.
If you can access Nipigon History facebook page  you can watch and listen to  my poem.
See the Nipigon River Rapids that were, seethe and boil and the waterfalls, now gone, plunge  !

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Nipigon Museum hours 2024 summer

 Nipigon Historical Museum will be open July and August 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 AM to 5 PM

Saturday 10 AM til 4 PM

This is the 20th Year  For the Nipigon Museum at this location  on Front Street Nipigon

Admission is Silver Collection...whatever you consider your visit worth.  If you are short of funds no problem you are welcome to come in and visit us FREE.

We have books and post cards and posters for sale.

Monday, 25 December 2023

Thank You Readers 2023

 As of Christmas Day 2023 we have reached 293,469 Pageviews

That's about 60,000 Pageviews for the year added..

Thursday, 9 November 2023



Clara Patton (Randall)

Born -----------------------1925


Father: Roy Randall,

Mother: Melvin Theresa

Sister: Dorothy Randall (Salo)

Date: February 7th 2006


What brought your father to Nipigon?

My father was a black smith and had to find work. We came in 1939; I don’t know if he came in 1939 as he was already here when my mother sister and I came.  He may have been here in 1938 I don’t know.


You came here from?

Okay where were we living oh Mafeking Manitoba. Oh and we lived in Barrows too, we lived in Barrows before that maybe that’s where we moved from, probably that’s where we moved from.


Who came with you?

Mother and Dorothy.


What was your Mother’s name?

Melvina Theresa


How old were you when you came to Nipigon?

Well I was born in 1925 that would make me 14, Dorothy was born in 1934 that would make Dorothy five.


Where did you live?

First we lived down by the CN tracks, over there under the bridge in a shack. I don’t know how long we were there I don’t remember being there in the winter so I think we moved before winter.


Did your Dad work for someone?

Well he came here to look for work he was a blacksmith he’d have to work in the bush he worked for Don Clark that I can remember.


You know that house where a Borsk girl lives (Marcia) that is where Don Clark lived.


 Then I don’t know who he (Dad) worked for after but he worked on the boats down there at the dock. Dad always wore an engineer cap. Mac McCullough would be an operator and Carl Ringham would be a machine operator. We are looking at an old picture of a boat and a few men, one that is Clara’s Dad.


Did you go to school?

I went to school in Mafeking but didn’t go to school when I came to Nipigon. I stayed home and worked, did the work in the house.


 Mother did leather work and she made jackets. She had to use sinue and square needles they were triangular had three sides she did bead work too. She was a very talented seamstress.


Was you Mom Native?

Yes she was, she was my adoptive mother and so was my natural mother native. She was dark so she had to have some native in her she came from Treherne Manitoba. Her last name was Bruce.


I worked at Zeckner’s and I was a cookie out at a camp in the Black Sturgeon some place for one winter then came back to Nipigon.


How did you meet your husband?

Oh he came back from the army. I guess I used to go down and visit Mrs. Patton before that. They lived down there in the area where Smutylo’s(101Railway) live. There used to be quite a few houses in that area. There was Gordon’s she used to be a nurse. His name was Stan Gordon I can remember his name but I can’t remember her name.


 I can remember Clyde and I were married already. Clyde’s Dad his name was John and his Mom;s name was Emma. Mrs. Patton and her sister came to Canada, they I guess the family couldn’t look after them in England so in those days I guess they were shipped to other places, kids were. Her last name I think was Stern. The sister I think her name was Ann; Clydes sister was named after her.


 Clyde’s sister Ann lived in Cameron Falls her husband worked for the hydro then he was transferred to Oakville and he committed suicide. We used to go visit them in Cameroon Falls they had a house there everybody rented, Ontario Hydro built houses out there.


Tell us about work Clara?

I started at Bell in 52 I remember because I got married in 52. Dorothy Dumas was the chief operator it was Bell telephone at the time and I don’t know what it was before. Yaw I know Vera Atkinson we worked together. Dorothy Dumas used to live in the house across from Silvia Lamay the big house like the story and one half, I don’t who lives there now.  I guess when they finished with operators at Bell that is when they went to automatic.

          Once we were done at Bell I went to work at Zechner’s.


 I think I was hired in 1975 at the plywood mill I can’t remember; I had my accident in 1979. I went back after my accident I had a hook still have it in the drawer I don’t use it any more though I don’t need it.


You retired in?



What was it like down town?

Of coarse all the bars were booming there was the Nipigon Inn, International, the Ovillio and The Normandie. That’s where we went a lot when Clyde was living the Normandie. Clyde and I and the Rasks, we chummed around quite a bit. Pete Prete owned the Normandie at the time.




What Year did Clyde die?

I don’t remember I know he was in that bedroom in there and he was not feeling good. I guess he lay down and I heard a noise or something and I called the doctor because he would not answer me.  I forget who the doctor was a tall skinny guy probably Workington, he lived some place up there (points up towards McKirdy. Probably it was Dr. Workinton because Dr. Harvey was here at the time. Then they took him to the hospital and I drove there and they looked at him and he had a ruptured artery going into the stomach or something. They could not fix him. They took him up town and I drove behind and by six in the morning he was gone. I drove up by myself then Archie and Dorothy came up because I called them.

They came and then Dorothy drove my car and Archie drove whatever they had. I think it was 1975 when he died.


Claira lives at 126 Seventh Street Nipigon with her dog Ashleigh. Claira also owns a camp at Stewart Lake where she spends most of the summer.


Claira has two nephews and one niece through her sister Dorothy (gone) and bother in law Archie Salo. They are Ron and Jim Salo and Lori (Salo) Davies. Claira also has relatives in Manitoba through her biological mother.




Tuesday, 7 November 2023





“Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire, and brimstone, and an horrible tempest:  this shall be the portion of their cup.”…Psalm 11

Father of the east, give me strength.  …Flossie


To most people Flossie is a queer.  Some of them even fell sorry for him.  What they think about him doesn’t bother him at all, in fact he couldn’t care less.  Chances are he doesn’t even bother to think about it.  But this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t think, because he does.

As Flossie crunched along the gravel roadside he couldn’t help wondering why the town clerk had been over to talk to him today.  The fellow usually ignored him, but today he had stopped to ask questions.  Now, Flossie didn’t mind answering questions, but he often wondered why people asked them.  This fellow, Tort was his name, wanted to know how many relatives he had and if Flossie had any dependents, it’s a darn good thing he didn’t have any either, Flossie thought, because they would be starving right along with him.   Right then a pickup truck pulled over just in front of him and the man poked his head out the passenger side window.  “You want a ride the rest of the way?”

The two men sat in the truck as it picked up speed, neither one of them willing to start the conversation.  Flossie looked out his window at the grey leafless,  poplars and birches.  Only the Evergreens didn’t seem barren, only they could hold enough moisture in their trunks to outlast this cold, dry winter.  There was enough precipitation, no doubt about that, but it was all frozen. Suddenly the driver broke into his thoughts,  “You’ll want off at the crossroads eh?”

Flossie answered, “Yes if the wind doesn’t blow us off the bridge.”

“Or we may get hit by a flock of geese,”   the driver chuckled

This wasn’t as funny as it seemed, because at this time of year, with everything flying south the wat it does, and with them flying down the valley of the river,  they’d have to climb pretty quick and pretty high to get over the bridge.  One Indian fellow got fined just last week for hunting on a government bridge.

As they drove along Flossie began to talk to his companion.  “Guess we’ll be getting a lot of frost this winter.”

“Yes,” answered the man, “ The Indians say there’s gonna be a lot of snow too on account of the geese took flight so early.”

“Guess the cold gets you pretty hard down there by the river,” he added.

“Your health is your wealth, “ Flossie responded. “If you’re healthy you don’t need wealth.”  “Your sins are the cause of your bad health.  Look at me, I’m sixty-three, and I get up at 4:30 every morning to chop my wood, then I have to walk into town.”

The way Flossie rambled in, it was not hard to see why people wondered.

Flossie was about to tell him how he was a member of the Round Church and how the devil couldn’t back him into a corner, but the fellow was slowing down for his road so he didn’t have time.

His gravel toad petered out and the old logging trail was clothed in deepening shadow as the old man shuffled off into the dusk. In the distance he could hear his river as it boiled and eddied on its way to the great fresh-water sea.  Directly across from the town, his settlement clustered on a slanting deposit of river silt. Slowly his buildings settled as the back on which they  were perched slid towards the river.  The old man turned off the road and down his trail.  His cabin had been built far back from the river by the first of its many occupants.  In the Spring, when the river was in flood, the rotting west wall  was in danger of being washed at high tide.  As he unlatched the plank door he became aware of the sweet raw odor of blackberries and honey that spoke  of bear.  He had likely frightened it away when he came down the path.

After eating a plate of noodles and drinking a cup of coffee he went out to cut the wood for his night- fire.  As he lifted his axe from the splitting block, he thought, aloud. “This old axe has done many a job for me.  Thank you axe, for you saved my life from cold and taught me to laugh when your head flew off and put a hole in my outhouse  roof – but what a job it was to fish it out of there.”

The old man chose a straight-grained  block as his first victim.  They are much easier to split  than the ones that are knot-twisted.  The twisted, branching birch grew around close, but he had to go a long way to find a straight, fat swamp- birch.

As he chopped, he thought.

Those kids were a lot of trouble to him whether they meant to or not.  He would never be able to forget the time last winter when one of them put some soap flakes in his salt.  Kids are usually that way when  they’re young;  but it had been pretty hard on  him for a couple of weeks until he found out what was wrong.  He had to ask Joe at the garage to leave the toilet door unlocked, and even then he didn’t make it in time a lot.  Wore out four good pairs of drawers that winter.  But, he was happy  to have the kids come in when they got cold skiing.  Some of them must have been in a fix like he had been, because they had drunk his coffee.

Flossie never seemed to have time to get married and raise kids.  It seemed inly right that he shouldn’t pass out of life  without loving children and having them love him in their own  uncertain way.  He knew that he loved them in one way, because  on weekends when none of them came over to visit him, he got desperately lonely.  He could never be sure of them; maybe it was hoping where hope had no right to be.

The swamp-birch were something like sheltered people.  They grew straight=grained and were not  wind-twisted and branch-broken  like the hill-birch;  but the trees on the hill didn’t die or rot nearly so quickly as those down below.   Being sheltered and well nourished wasn’t nearly as important as being able to stand up to,  and to recognize something as being evil.  Sometimes the poorest of  people are the most healthy.  Flossie figured that he was the healthy one.

Flossie had what he thought was  one of the most important jobs in town.  What do people prize more than their children?  His job was their protection; both parents and children  Public school children from down town were his friends.  They were the only ones who had to cross the highway that bisected the town.   He took their small warm hands in his large, rough ones and guided them across safely.  It was then that he wished he had many more hands;  the little hands felt so good in his  he thought ge would burst  and overflow  with happiness.

As he put another block on the stump, he thought of the time they had surprised him and how happy to tears he was  to know that some of them cared that he was alive.  He swung his axe up and brought it down  on the wood, splitting it almost in two halves.  It had been the same day that he got the letter.  The two things balanced out and, in one day, he felt pain of love and the burn of hate for those people who cared only for themselves.

On  that day the principal had stopped to tell him that he wanted to see him at the school at 3:30.  Flossie had wondered why, but quite often people asked  him to come over  to pick up old clothes.  At 3:15 he had gone up  to the school.  The principal had taken him to his private office to wait.  He came back and led him down  the two flights of stairs to the auditorium.  The place  was full of students and he could see his friends in the front rows.  They all clapped when he came in and he couldn’t understand it all .  He was led up to the platform  where six large cardboard boxes were piled.  Flossie was in a daze.  The principal told him that all the children had given something to Flossie, for the long cold winter  was close.  At the sight of all the canned food he broke down.  All he could do was cry.

Flossie put his axe against the wall and gathered up the split wood.  As he lit the night-fire he remembered the letter that had come on that same day.  The town clerk and the reeve had signed it.  It said that they were taking  two cents  each day away from his dollar; in case he should die it would be used to defray expenses, it was a cold letter and it made him mad when he read it.

Forever, people have failed to realize that love is a many splendored thing  -Prometheus

 (I have no idea who the author of this is. B Nov. 7, 2023 ...from our Archives)