Tuesday, 25 August 2015

73,000 PAGEVIEWS by August 25, 2015

A very Big thank you to all the readers and viewers of the Nipigon Museum Blog Posts. That's a thousand views in just ten days! Business is booming!
Visitation is up at the Museum this summer too.
Watch for us on various Fishing TV shows throughout the winter coming up. Lots of action in July and it takes a while for the shows to be produced. The hundredth Anniversary of the catch of the "still" world record Brook Trout caught their imagination.
This week may see a film crew from England catching some of Ontario's history as it happened in Nipigon all those years ago.
I see where someone was trying to locate where Split Rock is on the Nipigon River, not sure if Google Earth would show it just above Cameron Falls dam site. I'll get a map up for you later.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Paddle to the Sea Park, Nipigon Ontario 

August 18, 2015