Wednesday, 5 September 2018

As Long as Rivers Flow

The Robinson Treaty in the year 1938
The Evening News-Chronicle
Port Arthur, Ontario
Published every Lawful Week Day at
185 Lorne Street, by
The News-Chronicle Publishing Co. Limited
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations, Canadian
Daily Newspapers Association, Canadian Press
And  Ontario Provincial Dailies.
Saturday, April 23, 1938
Indians and their hunting privileges
In another portion of this newspaper today is a letter written by a member of the Red Rock Indian Band in which he sets forth, for the benefit of the public, the circumstances under which he is being charged by Ontario law enforcement officers with having game out of season.
It is another cropping up of the old Robinson Treaty which is quoted in every one of the several incidents of the kind.  The Treaty was negotiated in 1850 by Hon. W.E. Robinson with the Ojibways of Lake Superior.  The Indians gave up rights to all of this part of Canada in return for certain reserves, annuities and the right to hunt and fish over these lands in perpetuity “ as long as grass grows, sun shines and rivers flow.”
The sun still shines, the grass grows and rivers are flowing, the Indians have their reserves and they are paid their annuities but from time to time Ontario law officers arrest and bring into the courts various individuals of the Indian bands found in possession of game when it is out of season for the white man.  Magistrates frequently find against the Indians although the latter are usually defended by the representatives of the Indian Department at Ottawa.
Thus, sharp controversy arises in almost every instance.  Some appeals have been made to higher courts and some of the judgements rendered against Indians in the lower courts have been reversed.
The peculiar thing is that, after nearly a century in which there have been almost innumerable cases, the exact status of the treaty has not been defined.  The higher courts in Canada seem to be favourable to the treaty and there is reason to believe that the general public would support the contentions on behalf of the Indians.  The Indians have proved themselves good citizens, are generally law abiding and have always answered the call to service when issued.  Some citizens have been known to say that when officers seize meat, taken by the Indians as food for themselves and families, they are stealing in the same sense that they would be stealing if they entered a city home and removed food.
This Treaty and the hearing thereon of Ontario laws should as soon as possible be sent to the Supreme Courts and if necessary the Privy Council for an adjudication which would put an end to such incidents as brought forth the letter published today.
The Letter
Indian Hits Deer Killing Charge;
Claims Protection Under Treaty
To the Editor of the News-Chronicle. (April 23, 1938)
Sir – I am an Indian, No. 183 of the Red Rock Band, Port Arthur Agency, and my permanent home is at Nipigon, but I spend a lot of my time at my Winter cabin which is situated in the woods several miles from here.  As I make my living mostly by hunting and fishing, I find it cheaper and more convenient  to live there than in town.  I have partly lost the use of one of my hands, where part of it has been blown off by a gun some years ago in an accident. My eyesight is also very defective  and I do not see well even with glasses.   For the above reasons I am at times obliged to make us(e) of a snare in order to kill deer and other game, as I cannot use a rifle very well but must have meat for our own use.
Some time ago I had to resort to the use of the snare again  and killed a deer.  In the early part of March one of the Wardens of the Game and Fisheries Department, who had apparently seen  my snare came to me and demanded that I remove  the snare immediately, declaring it illegal.  I explained to him why I had to resort to that method of obtaining meat for myself but promised that I would at once remove the snare, which I did.
Some time later, on the 23rd of March, he appeared again at my place and made a search for meat. Of course, he found it, as I had made no attempt to hide what I had as I believe that our treaty gave us full right to kill deer and other game for our own consumption.  He informed me that I had no such right and was obliged to comply with the game laws same as a white.
I reported the matter to Mr. Burk our Indian Agent  and asked him to see what can be done, as it not only affected me but also affected other Indians as well, especially now when they are so poor on account of scarcity of work, and depend largely on wild game for their living.
On the 1st day of April the Warden came to me again to say that he was laying a charge against me for killing deer and having meat in my possession.  I again notified our agent through our Chief whom I understand  was told that necessary steps would be taken.  I am now expecting to be taken to face the charge in court at any time.
I have been told from other sources  that the Ontario Game and Fisheries Department do not recognize the  Robinson Treaty as being still valid, maintaining that they now have the full control of the game question even where Indians are involved.
This is a grave matter not only for my own personal reasons  but as it affects the welfare of the other Indians as well. In many cases it is a matter of life or death.
May I point out in closing that through no fault of the Indians has the game become almost exhausted, but through the inroads of white hunters and pulpwood and mining activities in the district.  We were promised in the Robinson Treaty   that we could hunt and fish as long as the grass grew, the rivers flowed and the sun shone, and I trust that you as our guardians will do all that you can to help us in this matter for which I wish to express my gratitude in advance.
No. 183 Red Rock Band
Nipigon, April 22, 1938.
Editor’s Note: Inquiry of J. G. Burk, Indian Agent, drew the reply that he and the Department were taking steps to protect the interests of Daba in this matter and of others similarly situated. (1938)

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Videos of Interest Nipigon River

 A Journey Down The Nipigon River: Then and Now

 The other videos on You tube I think we should give people a link to are

  World's Biggest Brook Trout  The New Fly Fisher

 Nipigon Trails  1923

Friday, 23 March 2018

Nepigon pulpwood limits, 1910 rules and regs


General conditions with respect to the Nepigon Pulp Limit offered for lease by tender 7th October , 1910

The successful tenderer shall enter into an agreement with the Government requiring him to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut pulpwood, or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, a pulp and paper mill costing, with equipment thereof and machinery contained therein, not less than five hundred thousand dollars, and will operate the same so that the daily output thereof shall not be less than 150 tons of paper, and so that at least two hundred and fifty hands on an average shall be kept employed in connection therein for at least ten month of each and every year.

The said sum of five hundred thousand dollars shall be expended as follows: - One hundred thousand dollars during the first year, two hundred thousand dollars during the second year, and the remainder of the said sum during the third year, it being distinctly understood  that the erection of such mill and the employment of the hands shall form part of the consideration for the price of the pulpwood, and that the cutting of the said pulpwood for the use of the mill may begin as soon as and when fifty thousand  ($50,000) dollars shall have been expended on the erection of said pulp and paper mill and equipment thereof.

Two: The successful tenderer to have the right to cut and remove spruce, poplar or whitewood and banksian or jack pine, 9 inches and upwards in diameter, 2 feet from the ground, sufficient to supply the mill or mills erected, for a period of twenty-one years, from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Crown, for a distance of five miles  in depth on either side of the River Nepigon, and extending back a distance of five miles from the shores of Lake Nepigon, subject to such reasonable terms , conditions and regulations as to the cutting , measuring,, removing and driving of the same as may from time to time be imposed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

Three:  The successful tenderer shall pay dues of 40 cents per cord for spruce and 20 cents per cord for the other woods mentioned, or such other rates as may from time to time be fixed by Lieutenant- Governor in Council.

Four: The successful tenderer to get the right to cut the wood only, and not to have any right to the soil or user thereof, except as may be necessary for cutting or removing the wood.

Five: The Government shall retain the right to sell, lease, locate or otherwise dispose of any lands included in the territory on the same terms and conditions for settlement, mining or other purposes as ordinary Crown Lands situated elsewhere.

Six: The successful tenderer shall not have the right to cut or remove timber of any kind from any lands already under timber license or permit from Crown, or which may hereafter be placed under such license or permit  for the cutting of pine during the time such license or permit is in force, or until after the pine timber has been cut therefrom, nor shall any wood be cut in or in the immediate proximity of territory covered with green merchantable pine available for lumbering purposes or which may be considered by the Government to be pine bearing lands.

Seven: No wood cut on the said territory shall be exported or sold or disposed of to any other person or persons, but such wood shall be used for the purpose only of supplying the said mill or mills.

Eight: The Government will not guarantee any particular quantity of wood nor undertake to do more than grant the right to cut such quantities of wood of the kinds aforesaid as may be on the said property.

Nine: Failure to erect the mill or mills and make the required expenditures within the time specified shall entail forfeiture of the right to cut pulpwood and the bonus paid for the same.

Ten: Proper sworn returns of the quantity of wood cut each season shall be made to the government in conformity with the Crown Timber Regulations and payment shall be made for such wood not later than the first day of November in each year, and the Government shall have all rights and powers in respect of enforcing such payment as are now provided in the case of timber cut under timber license.

Eleven: No refuse, saw-dust, chemicals or matter of any other kind shall be placed or deposited in any river, stream or other waters which shall or may be injurious to fish life.

Twelve: No pulpwood, logs, timber or other material not in boats or scows shall be floated or driven or allowed to be floated or driven down or to accumulate in the River Nepigon above Camp Alexander, between the 15th days of June and November in each and every year, and the floating or driving of pulpwood logs, timber or other material down the said river shall be subject to further and other regulations as may hereafter from time to time be made by the Government.

Thirteen:  All Indian Reserves falling within the area of any pulp limit are excluded therefrom.

Department of Lands, Forests and Mines,  Toronto, 8th July, 1910

Forestry is


The Weekly Report , District of Geraldton

Ontario Department of Lands and Forests

October 20th, 1966

Adapted from the Prince George Progress.

Forestry is the raw material of beauty, of tourism, and of industry.  It is a full lunch bucket and coins jingling in pockets.

Forestry is tree growing and tree managing. Forestry in Canada is 5 billion dollars a year. (1966)

Yes, forestry is many things.

It is the whine of a powersaw and the moment of suspense when a faller’s tree hangs between heaven and earth.  It is a “cat” carving a trail to a new stand of timber and a drawing board where a bridge is designed.

  It is  30 tons of logs piled on a growling truck, and dollar-earning newsprint spinning off the rollers at half a mile a minute.

Forestry is the patient probing of the secrets of genetics and a quest for bigger, better, faster growing trees.  It is 60 million seedlings a year in Ontario hand planted on thousands of acres of logged-off land.  It is a ranger patrolling timber from  a river boat and a sweat backed stevedore loading lumber on a foreign ship.

Forestry is still flapjacks and bacon and eggs fried potatoes for breakfast, but it is mechanical harvesters that have made horses almost extinct in the woods.  It is a spreading population of deer and moose and a vast province being gradually opened for the traveller’s delight.  It is tree pruning, and sod-busting and fat cattle grazing within smelling distance of a slash burn.

It is stereoscopics and data-processing machines and a hand-axe and a back-packed water pump trekked over a hill.

Forestry is scarlet flames roaring through a fir stand, and infestation of budworm, but it is wind whispering through a pine grove and s singing trout stream and deer feasting with pleasant malevolence on tender young trees.

In spring it is greenery and growth and awakening;  in autumn it is a surrealistic masterpiece in green and gold and yellow painted by the greatest Master of them all.

 Forestry is the life blood of our economy.

G.E. MacKinnon, District Forester

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Les Vikings au Canada

Les Vikings au Canada by Yvon H. Couture, 2017
a French language book  "...a demonstration , with a lot of proofs, that the Vikings were present in the Great Lakes Area...Y.H.C."
Un premier site viking identifie a l'interieur du continent americain
L'ecrivain et chercheur multidisciplinaire Yvon H.Couture a identifie  un  site  viking  pres  du  lac  Stony,  dans  l'Est   de
!'Ontario. C'est un site a gravures rupestres comptant pres d'un
millier  de  glyphes  qui  racontent,  sous  forme  de  runes  et d'ideogrammes, l'histoire de Vikings partis du Groenland autour de 1'An Mille pour venir s'implanter dans Ia region des Grands Lacs. Connaissant deja le langage des runes ainsi que celui des pictogrammes; ce chercheur, qui s'interesse au site depuis 1967;
avait entrepris, en 2007, de reproduire une centaine de ces glyphes a partir de photos pour illustrer un de ses ouvrages. C'est  en realisant ce travail qu'il  a decouvert Ia presence de runes parmi ces gravures; ce qui faisait du site de Stony Lake un site viking et non un site algonquien, comme on le croyait auparavant. C'est  alors  qu'il  a  entrepris  le  decryptage d'une partie des g1yphes afin de savoir de quoi i1 retoumait.
Les  Vikings  au  Canada, qu'il  vient de  pub1ier, est  non
seulement une demonstration magistrale de 1'existence d'etablissements scandinaves dans 1a region dulac Ontario bien avant la decouverte officielle de 1'Amerique par Christophe Colomb, mais aussi un apen;u captivant de 1'histoire du Canada entre 1es annees 1000 a 1500 AD. Ce magnifique ouvrage de
336 pages est subdivise en 55 chapitres, et compte pres d'une centaine d'illustrations.  Pas encore disponib1e en 1ibrairie, on peut se 1e procurer par Ia poste au prix de 1ancement de $25.00 en s'adressant a 1'auteur au 1-861, ge avenue, Senneterre, QC, JOY 2MO (Ajouter $10.00 pour 1es frais d'envoi).

Thursday, 1 March 2018

The Menu


March 3, 1922  Madison Square Gardens, New York City

The following is the actual MENU served that day. They had very exciting “names” for their dishes.

I am not too sure of the “actual” existence of the “List of Antiques” , though some do have “credits”.



“Cloy the hungry edge of appetite by bare imagination of a feast.” – King Richard II


Northumberland Oysters  “Compliments of Premier Walter E. Foster of New Brunswick.”

Bisque of Ptarmigan Yukon …Celery…Olives…Salted Nuts

Hudson’s Bay Ice Fish saute Penelope

Loin of Buffalo  “compliments  Canadian National Parks, Department of Interior, Canada.”

Puree of Chestnuts

Flap Jacks Labrador …Maple Sugar Syrup

Pate of Beaver Huron Fashion  “Compliments Jack McKirdy, Nipigon, Ontario – Guide.”

Salad Eskimos

Snow Ball…Assorted Cakes

Café Noir

Drinks and Smokes a la Carte


Curtis’ Alligator Tails

Grover’s Bear

Prince Harry’s Rhino

Admiral Peary’ Polar Mice

Buffalo Jones’Catalo and Persian Lamb

Corbin’s Wild Boar

Worcester Sea Cucumbers

Allen’s Mountain Cat

Lieut. Greely’s Coffee …taken from 1881 Cache at Fort Conger, Arctic Circle, by Admiral Peary.

Capt. Kleinschmidt’s  Polar Bear and Walrus

Earl Gray’s Tiger

Galpin’s Copex Smilo Fantasticos

Canadian Mountain Sheep

Whale Meat, Monkey, Boa Constrictor, Etc., Etc., Etc..

Martinettas  Roti  (Compliments Col. Brainard, U.S.A.)

G.N. Bosworth, Canadian Gold Eye Fish

Whale, by L.G. Armstrong

Skil, by H.R. Charlton

Wild Cat, by Harry Allen

This whole Canadian Camp pamphlet courtesy of John McKirdy , 2018

Monday, 26 February 2018

The Canadian Camp Speakers, March 3, 1922

The Canadian Camp Speakers, March 3,  1922

Hon. E. M. MacDonald, K.C. M. P.

“There are no points of the compass on the chart of true patriotism.” – Winthrop


Mr. Neil McDougall

Sportsmen’s Representative, Canadian National Railways

“The Nipigon Trail”

“And liquid lapse of murmuring streams.” – Milton


Mr. C. Price-Green

Commissioner, Department of Resources, C.N.R.

“Rich with the spoils of Nature.”- Browne


Mr. Horace D. Ashton

Explorer’s Club

“Morocco of Today and Yesterday”

“The eternal landscape of the past.”  - Tennyson


Thomas Travis, Ph. D.

“The Wilderness Dwellers”

“Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife.” – Gray


Major A.P. Simmonds

“Across the Unknown Labrador”

“Old friends are best.   King James used to call for his old shoes.” - Selden

The Canadian Camp Advisory Board members 1922


Robert T. Morris, M.D., Chairman, New York

Maj-Gen. A. W. Greely, Washington

Maj.-Gen George W. Goethals, New York

Rear Admiral William S. Sims, Washington

Brig.-Gen. David L. Brainard, Washington

Mr. L.O. Armstrong, Montreal

Mr. G. M.  Bosworth, Montreal

Capt. J. E. Bernier, Levis, Quebec

J. Luther Burbank, D.Sc. . Santa Rosa, Cal.

Mr. E. J. Chamberlin, Ottawa

Mr. James A. Cruikshank, New York

Mr. J. E. Dalrymple, Montreal

Hon. Walter E. Foster, Fredericton, N.B.

Mr. Robert Frothingham, N.Y.

Mr. Hamlin Garland, N.  Y.

Dr. George Bird Grinnell, N.Y.

Hon. Charles N. Herried, Aberteen S. D.

CApt. Emerson Hough, Chicago

Mr. Howard G. Kelley, Montreal

Hon. Mr. Justice F. R. Latchford, Toronto

Rev. William J. Long, D.D. Stamford, Conn.

Hon. Mr. Justice J.W. Longley,  Halifax

Hon. Stephen T. Mather,  Washington

Hon. Chase S. Osborn,  Sault Ste. Marie

Mr. C. Price-Green, Toronto

John D. Quackenbos, M.D.  New York

Mr. Henry T. Saunders,  Philadelphia

Mr. Duncan C. Scott  Ottawa

Mr. C. E. E. Ussher,  Montreal

Mr. Henry W. Van Wagenen, Morristown N.J.

Mr. F. L. Wanelyn,  Montreal


From the Canadian Camp menu brochure  courtesy of John McKirdy, 2018

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Back to the Canadian Camp -OFFICERS OF THE BOARD 1922

President: G. Lenox Curtis, M.D. New York
Vice Presidents: Henry Van Dyke, D.D. Princeton
                           : Lieut. –Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington
                          : Major-Gen. Leonard Wood, Manila, P.I.
Secretary: H.T. Galpin, Ph.G. 57th W 57th St. N.Y.
Assist. Secretary: C.C. Chatfield, 88 Central Park W. , N.Y.
President of Philadelphia Branch:
William E.S. Dyer, Philadelphia
Deceased Officers:  Vice Presidents:
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt
Hon. Grover Cleveland
Rev. Leander T. Chamberlain,D.D.
Joseph Jefferson

Sunday, 21 January 2018


NIPIGON LODGE (that was)

Fishing Rates 1937

Advertising Brochure circa 1937 (Courtesy of John McKirdy, 2018)

Nipigon Lodge  Orient Bay  Ontario

1937 Rates

Per Day: …$4.00 American Plan ( includes meals)

Per Week:…$24.00  American Plan

Single Meals : …$1.00


Provisions: also all equipment including tents, blankets, etc. – but NOT Fishing Tackle

Per Day: …$5.00   Per Week:…$31.50

Guide: … Per Day:…$4.00    Per Week:…$14.50

Board for guide:...Per Day…$1.00   Per Week…$7.00

Canoe: …Per Day…$1.00   Per Week…$7.00

Non-Resident Fishing License:   $5.50 per person OR  $8.00 per family

Motor Launch from Orient Bay to Virgin Falls:  $10.00 each way

For fishing trips on the Nipigon River, it is advisable to have two guides to a canoe;  canoes are large enough to accommodate two anglers and two guides.  In this way cost for each member of the party per week would be $66.50 plus Motor Launch and License.

Full line of Fishing Tackle available at the Lodge.


NIPIGON LODGE – 1937 Brochure

Here…Anglers rendezvous with the Famed Nipigon Trout

Nipigon Lodge – Orient Bay, Ontario

One hundred miles east of Port Arthur (now combined with Fort William as “Thunder Bay”) on the Canadian National Railways ( this portion of line of CNR no longer exists)



NIPIGON LODGE , 100 miles East of Port Arthur on the Canadian National Railway, is a commodious log bungalow containing the Main Lodge, which has an attractive stone fireplace , and dining room seating 40 persons.  On either side, facing Orient Bay, are five four-room cabins, comfortably furnished, and equipped with all modern conveniences. Each cabin has a small sitting room where guests may meet to discuss the day’s luck or pass a pleasant hour preparing themselves for the thrills that are be.  There are toilet facilities in each cabin, also running cold water.  Hot water tanks connected to each stove, with which each cabin is equipped, supply heat on chilly nights.

Orient Bay Station,  located at the extreme southern end of a bay of the mighty Lake Nipigon, is reached from the East by the Canadian National Railways, or by automobile to Nipigon Village over 72 miles of partially paved roads with beautiful scenery, and thence by rail 37 miles.  Tourists from the East desiring to break the train journey, have the option of travelling on one of the comfortable boats of the Northern Navigation Division of the Canadian Steamship Line from Sarnia to Port Arthur.

For the trout fisherman the Nipigon District holds a multitude of thrills.  Here is the home of the famous “square-tail”, and the Nipigon River is the locale of more trout-fishing stories than any other stream in the world.  Here it is the anglers battle for the honour of winning the Nipigon Shield, awarded annually to the person who lands the heaviest speckled trout in accordance with the regulations governing this competition.  The main Nipigon River has been fished by anglers from all parts of the world,  and none has left it without enjoying the thrill that comes from landing fish which range anywhere from 4 pounds to the record of 14 and a half pounds.

Small - Mouth Black Bass fishing,  rivalling the splendid speckled trout fishing in the famous Nipigon River,  can be enjoyed in the Black Sturgeon Lake and River section of the Nipigon Forest Reserve.  This is practically virgin territory and offers a wide range of waters with an unlimited supply of bass up to six pounds in weight and which should have a special appeal to fly fishermen interested in this species of game fish.  The Black Sturgeon Lake area is situated immediately south and west of Lake Nipigon and is easily reached by motor launch from Orient Bay Station some 45 miles distant.

For those who are not anglers, or to whom fishing is but an incident of the holiday, there are many attractions.  There are scenic canoe trips in all directions from Nipigon Lodge.  There are numerous motor-boat trips which the visitor can make, so that he may cover a different territory each day during his stay, spending the night , if he so desires, under canvas on the shores of tumbling river or placid lake.  These are days when the ennui of city life is forgotten, when appetites reach enormous proportions and when sleep is welcome and restful.  Indian guides handle canoes and equipment, set up camps, and prepare meals, leaving nothing for the visitor to do but enjoy himself as he desires.

Close to Nipigon Lodge, 100 yards from Orient Bay Station, is located the headquarters of Wm. McKirdy and Sons General Storekeepers and Sportsmen’s Outfitters, where “Jack” McKirdy may be found prepared to supply at reasonable rates complete camping equipment, guides, supplies, licenses and tackle, for trips of either long or short duration.  He will assist in arranging ypur fishing or hunting trips and enable you to obtain the best possible results.

(In 1937) Any Canadian National Railways Agent will make you reservation, or you may write to:

The MANAGER, Nipigon Lodge, Orient Bay, Ontario 

The Canadian Camp Dinner Head Table, 1922

The Canadian Camp, 1922 Dinner – Head Table
The Canadian Camp Dinner , March 3, 1922 N.Y.C.
1.  Mr. John Emery McLean, Chairman Dinner Committee
2.  Mr. Charles M. Urban, Urban Motion Pictures Inc.
3.  Mr.  John G. McKirdy, Canadian Guide (that’s our Nipigon McKirdy!)
4.  Dr. Robert T. Morris, Chairman Advisory Board
5.  Dr. J. DeHart Bruen, Belvedere N.J.
6.  Mr. Neil McDougall, Canadian National Railways, Port Arthur ( Ontario… also Lake Nipigon area)
7.  Mr. Horace D. Ashton, Explorers Club, New York
8.  Mr. Wm. E.S. Dyer, President Philadelphia Branch
9.  Mr. C. Price-Green, Canadian National Railways , Toronto
10.                   Rev. Allen MacRossie, Toastmaster
11.                   Dr. G. Lenox Curtis, President
12.                   Hon. E. M. MacDonald, R.C.M.P. Pictou, N.S.
13.                   Lieut.-Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U.S.A. Washington
14.                   Mr. Melville E. Stone, Associated Press
15.                   Hon. Mr. Justice F.R. Latchford, Toronto
16.                   Mr. Herbert L. Bridgeman, Brooklyn Standard Union
17.                   Major A. P. Simmonds, Lecturer and Explorer, New York
18.                   Thomas Travis, PhD, Canadian Pacific Railway
19.                   Mr. Sam Harris, Pres. Ontario S.G. and F. Prot. Association
20.                   Hon. Stephen T. Mather, Director National Park Service, Washington
21.                   Dr. H.T. Galpin, Secretary