Tuesday 15 November 2022



The Citizen, Ottawa, Canada  April 14, 1900


Dam on Lake Nipigon Vigorously Opposed

A Pulp Mill Scheme

Which Would Destroy the Beauty of a Sportsman’s Paradise

A gentleman interested in the Ontario Colonization and Repatriation Accommodation was in the city yesterday, and his conversation stated that there is a growing opposition to the request of the North Shore Timber Company to the Ontario Legislature for a charter to go into the pulp business on Nepigon River and to construct a dam about 20 yards above the C.P.R. Bridge at Nepigon of sufficient dimension to raise the water twelve to fourteen feet the contention being that the dam would raise Lake Helen up to the first fall at Camp Alexander.

The objections are based on that Nepigon is the finest Trout stream in the world and should be preserved for all times to come as a resource for sportsmen from Canada and foreign parts. 

To do that properly the Nepigon River and lands for an average width of five miles on each side of the river should be set aside as The Nepigon  National Park and no timber cut thereon.

The building of a dam would prevent the fish ascending and descending the stream.  It is said that C.P.R. is strongly opposed to the proposal on the grounds that it would be detrimental to the tourists of all Canada now assuming such large and profitable proportions and which is so beneficial to all Canadians, and Canada Commerce generally to destroy one of the chief points of interest in Canada which unfortunately would be done if the Nepigon were utilized for manufacturing purposes.  Particularly when there are so many other water powers in that vast country available.

In reply to Mr. J.P. ….before the Ontario Legislature rose on Thursday the attorney general said that a new agreement in connection with the Lake Nipigon concession had been a subject of regulation  recently and it was more than possible that would be submitted for ratification this session.

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