Saturday 25 July 2020


February Daily Times in Beardmore - based on reports in the Fort William Daily Times-Journal in 1938
Sat 5 Feb BRIDGE PARTY – Home and School Club held its weekly bridge games at the school. Club to investigate forming a Women’s Institute.
Wed 16 Feb BORN IN JELLICOE – Mr. & Mrs. Hayward had a son at Jellicoe Red Cross hospital. A Scandinavian club has been organized: Pres., E. Wickman; VP, F. Anderson; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. F. Anderson. Funds raised to be used for a community hall. A newly formed athletic association will hold a dance at the Empire hall and a sports day. Beardmore Chamber of Commerce held its regular monthly meeting at the school. W.R. Cummings was elected to replace H.G. Scott as treasurer. Secretary will write Little Long Lac Telephone about the proposed telephone service. Home and School Club held its weekly card party, six tables for bridge, two for whist. Beardmore Winter Club will hold a skiing party. “A sleigh ride is also being planned to Richgreen Gold Mines in two weeks’ time.”
Wed 23 Feb FIRE DESTROYS CAFÉ – At 5:45 a.m., “Awakened by smoke, Mrs. [Paul] Loveretta just had time to smash a window, drop her child out on the snow and leap herself to safety” as fire destroyed the one-and-a-half story Beardmore Café. Her husband, the owner, was out of town. The siren shrieked and volunteer firemen raced to man the water pump and hose and to form a bucket brigade. After two hours, the building and its contents were consumed but nearby buildings were saved.
Wed 23 Feb LEITCH MINE DANCE – The dance was held by the mine’s Community Club. The Beardmore club sponsored a dance at Krokback’s hall. The same evening saw a Valentine dance at Ming’s hall. Home and School Club, at its monthly meeting, decided to form a Women’s Institute* and write to the Thunder Bay branch. “Mrs. R. Elliot was hostess to a delightful skating party” at the local rink.
Thu 24 Feb BADMINTON TOURNAMENT – Held at the school.
[Note * > The first Women’s Institute (WI) was formed in 1897 in Stoney Creek, Ontario. The Fort William branch organized in 1910, and the next year the Port Arthur organized. In 1919, a number of WIs joined as the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario. The Beardmore branch organized in 1938 and functioned until 1942. The declared aim of WIs was to look after family, home, community, and country.]
Photo 1 > Beardmore Station. N.d., n.s.

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